To configure licensing for XenServer hosts using XenCenter:
1.On the Tools menu, select License Manager.
2.Select one or more host(s) that you wish to assign a license. Click Assign License. The Apply License dialog box opens.
3.In the Apply License dialog box, choose the XenServer license edition and then enter the Citrix Licensing Server details.
27000 is the port that the licensing server uses by default for communication with Citrix products. If you changed the default port on the licensing server, enter the new number in the Port number box. For more information about changing port numbers due to conflicts, see the Licensing Your Product topic on Citrix eDocs.
Select OK to proceed.
XenCenter contacts the specified license server and checks out a license for the specified host(s). The information shown in the XenCenter License Manager will be updated.
To release a license (to set a licensed host to the free XenServer edition): from the License Manager, select a host, and then click Release License.
To configure licensing for XenServer hosts using the xe CLI:
•Run the
You only need to supply the license server IP address and port number parameters the first time you assign a license. The values are stored and used automatically if you do not specify the license server parameters in the future.
If no host UUID is specified, the license will be applied to the host that you are running the command on.
9.3. Additional Licensing Information
This section discusses miscellaneous licensing information, such as license expiration and grace periods.
After upgrading a XenServer host
If the license for a XenServer host expires, you cannot start any new, suspended, or powered off VMs on that host until you
If you are running the free XenServer product, you need to