The SPI commands supported by Conair microKool portable chillers are listed in the following tables.
The standard required commands and three optional com- mands are listed in the SPI Command Pairs table, along with the Select and Poll command pairs in hexadecimal format. Select commands set or change chiller functions. Poll com- mands retrieve information from the chiller.
SPI Command Pairs
| Portable chillers | Device ID: hex 21 | ||
| Commands |
| Select | Poll |
| Echo |
| 0x21 | 0x21 |
| - Select stores 4 bytes of information at the chiller; Poll retrieves it. |
| 0x21 | 0x20 |
| Setpoint Process Temperature |
| 0x21 | 0x21 |
| - Sets and retrieves the process temperature setpoint. |
| 0x31 | 0x30 |
| Alarm, High Temperature Deviation* |
| 0x21 | 0x21 |
| - Sets the alarm band temperature; retrieves setpoint + alarm band value. | 0x33 | 0x32 | |
| Alarm, Low Temperature Deviation* |
| 0x21 | 0x21 |
| - Sets the alarm band temperature; retrieves setpoint + alarm band value. | 0x35 | 0x34 | |
| Mode, Machine |
| 0x21 | 0x21 |
| - Start/stops the chiller; acknowledges alarms; retrieves run status |
| 0x49 | 0x48 |
| Version |
| 0x21 |
| - Retrieves 4 bytes of SPI version information. |
| 0x22 |
| Process Status |
| 0x21 |
| - Retrieves run status and alarm conditions. |
| 0x40 |
| Status, Machine 1 |
| 0x21 |
| - Retrieves run status and alarm conditions. |
| 0x42 |
| Status, Machine 2 |
| 0x21 |
| - Retrieves run status and alarm conditions. |
| 0x44 |
| Temperature, from Process |
| 0x21 |
| - Retrieves the actual temperature of fluid returning to the chiller. |
| 0x72 |
*NOTE: Both High and Low Temperature Deviation commands set the same variable. Use only one of these commands to avoid problems.
See the tables on the following pages for the SPI status words and BIT positions for Process Status, Machine 1 Status and Machine 2 status.
For more information on the SPI protocol, you can obtain the SPI Communication Protocol Manual by contacting:
The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
1801 K Street, NW, Suite 600K
Washington, D.C. 20006