IMPORTANT: Always refer to the wiring dia- grams that came with your chiller to locate spe- cific electrical compo- nents. Illustrations in the User Guide are intended to be representative only.
WARNING: Electrical Shock Hazard
Only qualified service personnel who have been trained on electrical testing and the procedures for avoiding the hazards should diagnose or correct prob- lems that require opening the unit with power on.
The compressor may be located in the compressor electrical enclosure or in the main chiller electrical enclosure, depend- ing on the model of your chiller.
The compressor contactor should be replaced if:
●You have checked the amp draw on each of the
●You have checked the continuity and found that ohms at the coil equal zero.
To replace the compressor contactor:
1 | Disconnect and lockout the main power. |
2 | Open the electrical enclosure. Turn the screw on |
| the front panel counterclockwise to open. |
3 | Disconnect the wires from the compressor con- |
| tactor contactor. Label the wires to ensure you can |
| connect them correctly to the new contactor. |
4 | Remove and discard the old contactor. |
| Reverse this procedure to install the new con- |
5 | |
| tactor. Make sure the wires are connected correctly. |
TROUBLESHOOTING | microKool Portable Chillers | UGH004/0999 |