Document #: 001-43991 Rev. *D Page 23 of 38
DC Electrical Characteristics
The following DC electrical specifications lists the guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature
ranges: 4.75V to 5.25V over the Temperature range of -40°C TA 85°C. Typical parameters apply to 5V at 25°C and are for design
guidance only.
DC Chip Level Specifications
DC General Purpose IO Specifications
Table 24. 5V DC Chip-Level Specifications (CY8CNP102E)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
Vcc Supply Voltage 4.75 5.25 V
IDD Supply Current 39 45 mA TA = 25 oC, CPU = 3 MHz,
SYSCLK doubler disabled,
VC1 = 1.5 MHz, VC2 = 93.75 kHz,
VC3 = 0.366 kHz, continuous
nvSRAM access
IDDP Supply current when IMO = 6 MHz
using SLIMO mode.
27 28 mA TA = 25 oC, CPU = 0.75 MHz,
SYSCLK doubler disabled,
VC1=0.375 MHz, VC2=23.44
kHz, VC3 = 0.09 kHz, continuous
nvSRAM access
ISB Sleep (Mode) Current with POR,
LVD, Sleep Timer, WDT, and
internal slow oscillator active.
– – 5 mA nvSRAM in standby.
VREF Reference Voltage (Bandgap) 1.28 1.3 1.32 VTrimmed for appropriate Vcc.
Vcap Storage Capacitor between Vcap
and Vss
61 68 82 uF 5V rated (minimum)
Table 25. 5V DC GPIO Specifications (CY8CNP102E)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
RPU Pull up Resistor 4 5.6 8 kΩ
RPD Pull down Resistor 4 5.6 8 kΩ
VOH High Output Level Vcc - 1.0 V IOH = 10 mA, Vcc = 4.75 to 5.25V.
8 total loads, 4 on even port pins
(for example, P0[2], P1[4]), 4 on
odd port pins (for example, P0[3],
P1[5]). 80 mA maximum
combined IOH budget.
VOL Low Output Level 0.75 V IOL = 25 mA, Vcc = 4.75 to 5.25V
8 total loads, 4 on even port pins
(for example, P0[2], P1[4]), 4 on
odd port pins (for example, P0[3],
P1[5]). 150 mA maximum
combined IOL budget.
VIL Input Low Level 0.8 V 4.75 to 5.25.
VIH Input High Level 2.1 V 4.75 to 5.25.
VHInput Hysterisis 60 mV
IIL Input Leakage (Absolute Value) –1–nA Gross tested to 1 μA.
CIN Capacitive Load on Pins as Input 3.5 10 pF Pin dependent. Temp = 25oC.
COUT Capacitive Load on Pins as Output 3.5 10 pF Pin dependent. Temp = 25oC.
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