Document #: 001-43991 Rev. *D Page 28 of 38
AC Electrical Characteristics
The following AC electrical specifications lists the guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature
range: 4.75V to 5.25V over the Temperature range of -40°C TA 85°C. Typical parameters apply to 5V at 25°C and are for design
guidance only.
AC Chip Level Specifications
Table 33. 5V AC Chip Level Specifications (CY8CNP102E)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units Notes
FIMO24 Internal Main Oscillator Frequency for 24 MHz 23.4 24 24.6[4, 5, 6] MHz Trimmed for 5V operation
using factory trim values.
See Figure 5 on page 9.
SLIMO Mode = 0.
FIMO6 Internal Main Oscillator Frequency for 6 MHz 5.75 66.35[4 , 5, 6] MHz Trimmed for 5V operation
using factory trim values.
See Figure 5 on page 9.
SLIMO Mode = 1.
FCPU1 CPU Frequency (5V Nominal) 0.93 24 24.6[4, 5] MHz
F48M Digital PSoC Block Frequency 048 49.2[4, 5, 7] MHz Refer to AC Digital Block
Specifications on page 30.
F24M Digital PSoC Block Frequency 024 24.6[5, 7] MHz
F32K1 Internal Low Speed Oscillator Frequency 15 32 64 kHz
F32K2 External Crystal Oscillator 32.768 kHz Accuracy is capacitor and
crystal dependent. 50% duty
FPLL PLL Frequency 23.986 MHz A multiple (x732) of crystal
Jitter24M2 24 MHz Period Jitter (PLL) 600 ps
TPLLSLEW PLL Lock Time 0.5 10 ms
TPLLSLEWLOW PLL Lock Time for Low Gain Setting 0.5 50 ms
TOS External Crystal Oscillator Startup to 1% 250 500 ms
TOSACC External Crystal Oscillator Startup to 100 ppm 300 600 ms The crystal oscillator
frequency is within 100 ppm
of its final value by the end of
the Tosacc period. Correct
operation assumes a
properly loaded 1 uW
maximum drive level 32.768
kHz crystal.
Jitter32k 32 kHz Period Jitter 100 ns
TXRST External Reset Pulse Width 10 – – μs
DC24M 24 MHz Duty Cycle 40 50 60 %
Step24M 24 MHz Trim Step Size 50 kHz
Fout48M 48 MHz Output Frequency 46.8 48.0 49.2[4,6] MHz Trimmed. Using factory trim
Jitter24M1 24 MHz Period Jitter (IMO) 600 ps
FMAX Maximum frequency of signal on row input or
row output.
12.3 MHz
TRAMP Supply Ramp Time 0 – – μs
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