Document #: 001-43991 Rev. *D Page 26 of 38
DC Analog PSoC NV Block Specifications
DC POR, SMP, and LVD Specifications
Table 30. 5V DC Analog PSoC NV Block Specifications (CY8CNP102E)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
RCT Resistor Unit Value (Continuous Time) 12.2 – kΩ
CSC Capacitor Unit Value (Switch Cap) 80 fF
Table 31. 5V DC POR, SMP, and LVD Specifications (CY8CNP102E)
Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units
Vdd Value for PPOR Trip (positive ramp)
VPPOR0R PORLEV[1:0] = 00b 2.91 V
VPPOR1R PORLEV[1:0] = 01b 4.39 V
VPPOR2R PORLEV[1:0] = 10b 4.55 V
Vdd Value for PPOR Trip (negative ramp)
VPPOR0 PORLEV[1:0] = 00b 2.82 V
VPPOR1 PORLEV[1:0] = 01b 4.39 V
VPPOR2 PORLEV[1:0] = 10b 4.55 V
PPOR Hysteresis
VPH0 PORLEV[1:0] = 00b 92 mV
VPH1 PORLEV[1:0] = 01b 0 mV
VPH2 PORLEV[1:0] = 10b 0 mV
Vdd Value for LVD Trip
VLVD0 VM[2:0] = 000b 2.86 2.92 2.98[2] V
VLVD1 VM[2:0] = 001b 2.96 3.02 3.08 V
VLVD2 VM[2:0] = 010b 3.07 3.13 3.20 V
VLVD3 VM[2:0] = 011b 3.92 4.00 4.08 V
VLVD4 VM[2:0] = 100b 4.39 4.48 4.57 V
VLVD5 VM[2:0] = 101b 4.55 4.64 4.74 V
VLVD6 VM[2:0] = 110b 4.63 4.73 4.82 V
VLVD7 VM[2:0] = 111b 4.72 4.81 4.91 V
Vdd Value for SMP Trip
VPUMP0 VM[2:0] = 000b 2.96 3.02 3.08 V
VPUMP1 VM[2:0] = 001b 3.03 3.10 3.16 V
VPUMP2 VM[2:0] = 010b 3.18 3.25 3.32 V
VPUMP3 VM[2:0] = 011b 4.11 4.19 4.28 V
VPUMP4 VM[2:0] = 100b 4.55 4.64 4.74 V
VPUMP5 VM[2:0] = 101b 4.63 4.73 4.82 V
VPUMP6 VM[2:0] = 110b 4.72 4.82 4.91 V
VPUMP7 VM[2:0] = 111b 4.90 5.00 5.10 V
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