Stackable NWay Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Your Stackable NWay Ethernet Switch supports a console management interface that allows you to set up and control your Switch, either with an ordinary terminal (or terminal emulator), or over the network using the TCP/IP Telnet protocol. You can use this facility to perform many basic network management functions. In addition, the console program will allow you to set up the Switch for management using an
Setting Up A Console
1. Obtain suitable cabling for the connection.
You can use either (a) a
2.Power down the devices, attach the cable (or cable/adapter combination) to the correct ports, and restore power.
3.Set the console to use the following communication parameters for your terminal:
♦9600 baud
♦No parity checking (sometimes referred to as “no parity”)
♦8 data bits (sometimes called a “word length” of 8 bits)
♦1 stop bit (sometimes referred to as a 1-bit stop interval)
♦Arrow keys enabled
A typical console connection is illustrated below:
40 | Using the Console Interface |