3.2.1 Use of NAND Flash (RCM4000 only)
The following sample programs can be found in the SAMPLES\RCM4000\NANDFlash folder.
•NFLASH_DUMP.c—This program is a utility for dumping the nonerased contents of a NAND flash chip to the Dynamic C STDIO window, and the contents may be redi- rected to a serial port.
When the sample program starts running, it attempts to communicate with the user- selected NAND flash chip. If this communication is successful and the main page size is acceptable, the nonerased page contents (non 0xFF) from the NAND flash page are dumped to the Dynamic C STDIO win.for inspection.
Note that an error message might appear when the first 32 pages (0x20 pages) are “dumped.” You may ignore the error message.
•NFLASH_INSPECT.c—This program is a utility for inspecting the contents of a NAND flash chip. When the sample program starts running, it attempts to communi- cate with the NAND flash chip selected by the user. Once a NAND flash chip is found, the user can execute various commands to print out the contents of a specified page, clear (set to zero) all the bytes in a specified page, erase (set to FF), or write to specified pages.
CAUTION: When you run this sample program, enabling the #define NFLASH_CANERASEBADBLOCKS macro makes it possible to write to bad blocks.
•NFLASH_LOG.c—This program runs a simple Web server and stores a log of hits in the NAND flash.
This log can be viewed and cleared from a browser by connecting the RJ-45 jack on the RCM4000 to your PC as described in Section 6.1. The sidebar on the next page explains how to set up your PC or notebook to view this log.