instructionbyte is the instruction byte that will initiate a read or write operation at 8 or 16 bits on the designated register address. For example,
checkid = anaInConfig(0x5F, 0, 9600); // read ID and set baud rate
cmd are the command data that configure the registers addressed by the instruction byte. Enter 0 if you are performing a read operation. For example,
i = anaInConfig(0x07, 0x3b, 0); // write ref/osc reg and enable
baud is the serial clock transfer rate of 9600 to 57,600 bps. baud must be set the first time this function is called. Enter 0 for this parameter thereafter, for example,
anaInConfig(0x00, 0x00, 9600); // resets device and sets baud
0 on write operations,
data value on read operations
anaInDriver, anaIn, brdInit
48 | RabbitCore RCM4000 |