jumper configurations |
Prototyping Board (continued) | |
JP12 (PB2/LED DS2) .. | 106 |
JP13 (LN1 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP14 (PB3/LED DS3) .. | 106 |
JP15 (LN2 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP16 (PB4/Switch S2) .106 | |
JP17 (LN3 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP18 (PB5/Switch S2) .106 | |
JP19 (LN4 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP2 (+ 3.3 V current mea- | |
surement) | 105 |
JP20 (LN5 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP21 (LN6 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP22 (LN7 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
JP23 (analog inputs LN4– | |
LN6 configuration) ... | 107 |
JP24 (analog inputs LN0– | |
LN3 configuration) ... | 107 |
DS2) | 105 |
| |
Switch S2) | 106 |
| |
LED DS3) | 106 |
| |
Switch S3) | 106 |
RCM4000 | 89 |
JP1 (PE6 or SMODE1 |
output on J3) | 89 |
JP2 (PE5 or SMODE0 |
output on J3) | 89 |
JP3 (PE7 or STATUS |
output on J3) | 89 |
JP4 (battery backup for real- | |
time clock) | 89 |
jumper locations | 89 |
M |
MAC addresses | 68 |
O |
| |
how to use | 17 |
P |
pinout |
Ethernet port | 31 | |
Prototyping Board | 97 | |
RCM4000 |
alternate configurations .26 | ||
RCM4000 headers | 24 | |
power supplies |
+3.3 V | 109 | |
battery backup | 109 | |
Program Mode | 33 | |
switching modes | 33 | |
programming cable |
PROG connector | 33 | |
RCM4000 connections | 10 | |
programming port | 32 | |
Prototyping Board | 92 | |
access to RCM4000 analog | ||
inputs | 93 | |
adding components | 99 | |
dimensions | 95 | |
expansion area | 93 | |
features | 92, 93 | |
jumper configurations | ..... | 105 |
jumper locations | 105 | |
mounting RCM4000 | 9 | |
pinout | 97 | |
power supply | 96 | |
prototyping area | 98 | |
specifications | 96 | |
use of Rabbit 3000 signals | 98 | |
R |
Rabbit 4000 |
spectrum spreader time delays | ||
....................................... | 87 | |
Rabbit subsystems | 25 | |
RCM4000 |
mounting on Prototyping |
| |
Board | 9 | |
Run Mode | 33 | |
switching modes | 33 | |
S |
sample programs | 16 | |
A/D converter inputs |
AD_CAL_ALL.C | 102 | |
AD_CAL_CHAN.C 22, 102 | ||
AD_CALDIFF_CH.C .102 | ||
AD_RDDIFF_CH.C ....102 | ||
| |
............................. | 22, 102 |
AD_SAMPLE.C | 22 | |
THERMISTOR.C .. | 22, 102 | |
getting to know the RCM4000 | ||
FLASHLED1.C | 16 | |
FLASHLED2.C | 16 | |
LOW_POWER.C | 17 | |
..................................... | 17 | |
TOGGLESWITCH.C .... | 17 | |
how to run TCP/IP sample |
| |
programs | 71, 72 | |
how to set IP address | 72 | |
NAND flash |
NFLASH_DUMP.c | ....... | 18 |
NFLASH_ERASE.c | 19 | |
NFLASH_INSPECT.c .. | 18 | |
NFLASH_LOG.C | 18 | |
PONG.C | 12 | |
| |
RTC_TEST.C | 22 | |
SETRTCKB.C | 22 | |
serial communication |
PARITY.C | 20 | |
SIMPLE3WIRE.C | 20 | |
SIMPLE5WIRE.C | 21 | |
BROWSELED.C | 74 | |
DISPLAY_MAC.C | ....... | 68 |
PINGLED.C | 74 | |
PINGME.C | 74 | |
SMTP.C | 74 | |
serial communication | 30 | |
Prototyping Board |
104 | ||
software | 43 | |
PACKET.LIB | 43 | |
RS232.LIB | 43 | |
serial ports | 30 | |
Ethernet port | 31 | |
programming port | 32 | |
software | 5 | |
auxiliary I/O bus | 29, 43 | |
I/O drivers | 43 | |
libraries |
RCM40XX.LIB | 45 | |
readUserBlock | 39 | |
sample programs | 16 | |
serial communication driv- | ||
ers | 43 | |
writeUserBlock | 39 |
114 | RabbitCore RCM4000 |