A |
A/D converter |
inputs |
differential measure- |
ments | 101 |
negative voltages | 101 |
| |
ments | 100 |
A/D converter inputs |
access via Prototyping Board | |
..................................... | 100 |
software |
anaIn | 51 |
anaInCalib | 52 |
anaInConfig | 47 |
anaInDiff | 55 |
anaInDriver | 49 |
anaInEERd | 57 |
anaInEEWr | 59 |
anaInmAmps | 56 |
anaInVolts | 54 |
additional information |
online documentation | 5 |
alerts |
software |
digInAlert | 46 |
timedAlert | 46 |
auxiliary I/O bus | 29 |
B |
battery backup |
battery life | 110 |
external battery connec- |
tions | 109 |
reset generator | 110 |
use of | |
....................................... | 43 |
board initialization | 45 |
software |
brdInit | 45 |
bus loading | 85 |
C |
clock doubler | 38 | |
conformal coating | 88 | |
D |
Development Kits | 4 | |
RCM4000 Development Kit 4 | ||
AC adapter | 4 | |
DC power supply | 4 | |
Getting Started instruc- | ||
tions | 4 | |
programming cable | 4 | |
digital I/O | 24 | |
I/O buffer sourcing and sink- | ||
ing limits | 85 | |
memory interface | 29 | |
SMODE0 | 29, 32 | |
SMODE1 | 29, 32 | |
software | 43 | |
dimensions |
Prototyping Board | ............. | 95 |
RCM4000 | 78 | |
Dynamic C | 5, 7, 12, 41 | |
7, 61 | ||
installation | 7 | |
43 | ||
COM port | 12 | |
libraries |
RCM40xx.LIB | 45 | |
protected variables | ............ | 43 |
sample programs | 16 | |
standard features |
debugging | 42 | |
support | 5, 61 | |
upgrades and patches | 61 | |
USB port settings | 12 | |
E |
Ethernet cables | 63 | |
how to tell them apart | 63 |
Ethernet connections | 63, 65 |
65 | |
.... 63 | |
additional resources | 75 |
direct connection | 65 |
Ethernet cables | 65 |
Ethernet hub | 63 |
IP addresses | 65, 67 |
MAC addresses | 68 |
steps | 64 |
Ethernet port | 31 |
pinout | 31 |
exclusion zone | 79 |
F |
features | 2 |
Prototyping Boards | 92, 93 |
flash memory addresses |
user blocks | 39 |
H |
hardware connections |
install RCM4000 on Prototyp- | |
ing Board | 9 |
power supply | 11 |
programming cable | 10 |
I |
I/O buffer sourcing and sinking | |
limits | 85 |
IP addresses | 67 |
how to set in sample programs | |
....................................... | 72 |
how to set PC IP address .. 73 | |
J |
jumper configurations |
Prototyping Board | 105 |
JP1 (+5 V current measure- | |
ment) | 105 |
JP1 (LN0 buffer/filter to | |
RCM4000) | 106 |
User’s Manual | 113 |