DMP Electronics XR500 manual Output Groups

Models: XR500

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Output Groups

Output Groups


Output Groups

Output Groups



Group No: -

Group Name X X

This function allows you to assign outputs to groups. Output groups can be assigned to other areas of programming such as Output Options or Alarm Action of Zone Information, just like single outputs are assigned. This allows the entire group of outputs to turn on and off as required by the programming option.

Group Number

Enter a group number from 1 to 20. Up to 20 different groups may be assigned.

Group Name




The group name displays. To change the default name, press any top row Select key




then enter up to 32 characters for the group name. Press COMMAND to enter the




outputs to be assigned to the group.




Output Number

Output No 1:





Enter the Output number. Entry range is 1 to 6, 450 to 474, 480 to 499, 500 to 999


Output No 2:





(outputs), D1 to D16 (doors), and G1 to G20 (groups). The maximum number of


Output No 3:





outputs that can be assigned to a specific group is eight.


Output No 4:





An output group may be assigned as one of the output numbers in another output


Output No 5:







Output No 6:





Example: Output Group 1 consists of only four assigned outputs. Output Group


Output No 7:





1 could be assigned as one output in Output Group 2. Output Group 2 could still


Output No 8:





have 7 other outputs assigned to that group. When Output Group 2 is turned on, 11




outputs could be turned on. This allows Output Groups to be assigned within other




Output Groups providing many combinations.




Output groups 1 to 10 can be assigned by a user profile for applications such as




elevator control. See the XR500 User’s Guide (LT-0683CAN) Output Group section for




additional information.




Output groups 11 to 20 cannot be assigned to a profile and are available for




installation applications such as special lighting, etc. To assign these groups to a




profile, use Remote Link™ or System Link™ software from DMP.

XR500 Series Canadian Programming Guide

Digital Monitoring Products


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DMP Electronics XR500 manual Output Groups