DMP Electronics XR500 manual Local IP Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask, DNS Server

Models: XR500

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Network options

Network Options (XR500N/XR500E only)

Network Options are provided to define the network configuration for the panel. This information will be used during communication of messages via network or email.

Note: IP addresses and port numbers may need to be assigned by the network administrator. When entering an IP, Gateway, or Subnet Mask address be sure to enter all 12 digits and leave out the periods. For example, IP address is entered as 192168000250.


no yes

DHCP Mode Enabled








Local IP Address

Gateway Address

Subnet Mask




If the panel uses a dynamic IP address select YES. When set to YES, the panel operates using DHCP and does not use the Local IP Address number. When the DHCP option is set to NO, the panel uses the IP address entered in Local IP Address. The default value for DHCP mode is YES.

Local IP Address

Enter the local IP address. The Local IP Address must be unique and cannot be duplicated. The default local IP address is

Gateway Address

Enter the local gateway address. The Gateway IP Address is needed to exit your local network. The default gateway address is

Subnet Mask

Enter the local subnet mask assigned to the panel. The default subnet mask address is

DNS Server

Enter the IP address of the DNS (Domain Name System) used by the panel to resolve domain names into IP addresses. The default address is

Passphrase (XR500E only)

To enable encryption type an 8 to 16-character Passphrase using alphanumeric characters. If you leave the Passphrase blank, the panel communicates with the SCS-1R Receiver, but the data is not encrypted. The Passphrase is blank by default.

The XR500E panel is capable of communicating encrypted data to an SCS-101 Network Line Card installed at the receiver. The XR500E panel and the SCS-101 must have the same secret password called a Passphrase.

Note: DO NOT LOSE THE PASSPHRASE. A lost or forgotten Passphrase requires that the XR500E panel and every iCOM-E unit reporting in to the same iCOM-E unit at the receiver be individually reprogrammed with a new passphrase.

Note: An XR500E panel communicates using AES encryption. If you currently have an XR500N panel installed, you may purchase a separate feature key to activate encrypted communications using the Feature Upgrade process described in the Feature Upgrade Section. Encrypted communication cannot be enabled on a standard XR500 panel.

XR500 Series Canadian Programming Guide

Digital Monitoring Products


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DMP Electronics XR500 manual Local IP Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask, DNS Server