Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDN IP routing, ADD IP Route Ipaddr maskLenmetric gwAddr, Show IP Route


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Appendix C: Command Line Reference

IP routing 181



IP routing

ADD IP ROUTE Ipaddr maskLen[:metric] [gwAddr]

Valid context: Profile

Adds a static IP route.

Ipaddr: Specifies the IP address of datagrams that should be routed.

maskLen: Lets you specify the number of bits that are checked when comparing the address of a datagram to

that specified by the lpaddr parameter. Range: 0 to 32.

metric:Metric determines the weight of a route. If two identical routes exist, then the DIVA LAN ISDN Modem uses the route with the lower metric. Default value: 1 Range: 1 - 15, 16 (never use this route).

gwAddr: Specifies the IP address of the device to forward datagrams to if a

match is found.


Valid context: General

Deletes an IP route.

Ipaddr: Address of the IP route to delete.

SET IP ROUTE Ipaddr maskLen [gwAddr]

Valid context: General

Modifies the mask and gateway address for an existing IP route. See ADD IP ROUTE for more information.

Ipaddr: The IP address of the existing route to change.

maskLen: New setting for mask length. Range: 0 to 32

gwAddr: New setting for gateway address.


Valid context: General

Displays all defined static and dynamic IP routes.

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Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDN IP routing, ADD IP Route Ipaddr maskLenmetric gwAddr, Delete IP Route Ipaddr, Show IP Route