Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDN Using the command line interface, To establish a serial connection


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Chapter Ten: Other Configuration Tools

Command line interface (CLI) 147



To establish a serial connection

Establish a serial connection as follows:

1.Connect the DB9 connector on the beige serial cable to the serial port on your computer, and plug the RJ45 connector into the CONSOLE port on the back of the DIVA LAN ISDN Modem.

2.Start your communications software. (If you are running Windows 95/98/NT, use HyperTerminal which is available in the Accessories folder.)

3.Set your software to match the following configuration:



Terminal emulation type

VT100 or VT102

Bits per second (bps)

115200 (recommended), 57600, 19200, 9600

Local echo


CR translation


LF after CR


Data bits


Stop bits




Flow control


4.Initiate the connection with your software.

5.Press the Enter key on your keyboard several times until a welcome message appears on your screen. It will include a request to enter a password.

6.Type the appropriate password (if any) and press enter. The DIVA LAN ISDN Modem displays the command line prompt ‘>’. See “Using the command line interface” on page 147 for more information.

Using the command line interface

The command line interface provides direct access to almost all of the DIVA LAN ISDN Modem's configuration parameters.

When you connect to the DIVA LAN ISDN Modem via a serial connection or Telnet connection, you are greeted with the command line interface welcome message and a request for a password. Once you enter the correct password, you will see the command line prompt ‘>’.

Make sure that you are using VT100 terminal emulation, otherwise the command line interface may not display properly on your screen and certain keys will not function correctly.

The DIVA LAN ISDN Modem is now ready to accept your commands. The following keys are available for use:

up/down arrows: Moves back and forth through previously issued commands.

F1: Provides help tailored to the current command you are entering. For example, if you are part way through typing a command, it will show you the valid syntax to complete it.

Tab: To speed up entry of commands, you need only enter enough of the command so that the CLI can uniquely recognize it, or press TAB and the CLI will automatically complete the current keyword for you. For example: The PROFILE command can be shortened to PROF. Pressing TAB expands it to PROFILE.

When a command calls for a string of alphanumeric characters, you can use "" to enter an empty string.

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Eicon Networks DIVA LAN ISDN manual Using the command line interface, To establish a serial connection