Rosemount 3300 Series


00809-0100-4811, Rev AA October 2002

￿￿￿;3￿￿￿)￿￿!!￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿"￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿Table C-2. HART Communicator Diagnostic Messages
















Asks the user whether the hot key item being added should be added for all device types or only for







the type of device that is connected.














The connected device does not support this function.
















Either a device sends back a response indicating that the message it received was unintelligible, or








the HC cannot understand the response from the device.
















The configuration stored in memory is incompatible with the device to which a transfer has been






















The connected device is busy performing another task.
















Device fails to respond to a command.














Device is in write-protect mode. Data can not be written.














Device is in write-protect mode. Press YES to turn the HC off and lose the unsent data.
















Asks whether the value of the variable should be displayed adjacent to its label on the hotkey menu if






the item being added to the hotkey menu is a variable.
















Prompts user to press SEND softkey to initiate a memory to device transfer.
















Indicates that the field width for the current arithmetic variable exceeds the device-specified







description edit format.
















Indicates that the precision for the current arithmetic variable exceeds the device-specified





description edit format.
















The 3300 transmitter may simply be configured incorrectly (20 mA point in upper Null Zone, etc.)





Verify the configuration.
















Asked after displaying device status. Softkey answer determines whether next 50 occurrences of







device status will be ignored or displayed.
















An invalid character for the variable type was entered.














The day portion of the date is invalid.
















The month portion of the date is invalid.








The year portion of the date is invalid.














The exponent of a scientific notation floating point variable is incomplete.














The value entered is not complete for the variable type.














Polling for multidropped devices at addresses 1–15.
















Asks whether the user should be allowed to edit the variable from the hotkey menu if the item being








added to the hotkey menu is a variable.
















There is no configuration saved in memory available to re-configure offline or transfer to a device.
















Poll of address zero fails to find a device, or poll of all addresses fails to find a device if auto-poll is




















There is no menu named “hotkey” defined in the device description for this device.






There are no device descriptions available to be used to configure a device offline.
















There are no device descriptions available to simulate a device.
















There is no menu named “upload_variables” defined in the device description for this device. This








menu is required for offline configuration.
















The selected menu or edit display contains no valid items.
















Appears when the user attempts to turn the HC off before sending modified data or before






completing a method.
















There is unsent data for a previously connected device. Press RETRY to send data, or press OK to






disconnect and lose unsent data.
















There is no more memory available to store additional hotkey items. Unnecessary items should be








deleted to make space available.










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Emerson Process Management rosemount 3300 series manual $O#3