VLAN Redirect Configuration Screen
6-20 Port Configuration Menu Screens
10.Use the SPACE bar to select either the ADD or DEL (delete) option. Press ENTER. This adds
or deletes the selections for the Source Port, Destination Port, Frame Format, and Redirect
Errors made in steps 1 through 8 and also updates the screen.
11.Use the arrow keys to highlight SAVE at the bottom of the screen. Press ENTER. The message
“SAVED OK” displays. This saves the new settings and updates the Source Port and Destination
Port read-only fields.
When to Use
To redirect frames in a 6C105 chassis from one or more source VLANs to one destination port on
the switch module. Frames received on a source VLAN can be redirected and transmitted in the
frame format in which they are received (normal), or they can be redirected with a VLAN Tag
(TAGGED) or without a VLAN Tag (UNTAGGED). Also, any errored frames received dropped.
For example, VLAN 1 can be set as the source VLAN with VLANs 2 and 5 as the destination
VLANs. Frames from VLAN 1 are then automatically redirected to VLANs 2 and 5 according to
the configured frame format, and VLAN frames with errors are dropped.
TIP: If more than 1 port is being redirected, repeat steps 1 through 10 for each
additional setting. Then go to step 11 to save all the new settings at once.
If an entry is to be changed, delete the entry, save the screen, then recreate the entry
with its new settings.
NOTES: Any combination, up to 128 total, of port redirect instances can be configured
on the Port Redirect Configuration screen, and/or VLAN redirect instances on the VLAN
Redirect Configuration screen. Up to 24 instances can be configured as remote
instances to other modules in the chassis. Remote instances are instances that are
mapped from one module to another within the same chassis.
If the module has an optional ATM interface installed, ATM Permanent Virtual Circuits
(PVCs) redirect entries should also be considered as part of the 128 maximum redirect
entries for the module.
NOTE: The switch module supports a maximum of 128 redirect entries configured
including VLAN redirect, and port redirect. This also includes any ATM Permanent
Virtual Circuits (PVCs) redirect entries if the module has an optional ATM interfaces