Built-in Commands
12-6 Network Tools Screens
Description: Provides access to the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache, enabling
you to view cache data, delete entries, or add a static route. Super-user access
is required to delete an entry or add a static route.
Each ARP cache entry lists the network interface that the switch module is
connected to, the device’s network address or IP address, the device’s physical
address or MAC address, and the media type of connection to the device.
Media types display as numbers, which stand for the following states:
1 – Other
2 – Invalid entry (cannot ping device, timed out, etc.)
3 – Dynamic route entry
4 – Static route entry (not subject to change)
You must specify the arp command with one of the Options specified in this
Syntax: arp<options>
Options: -a – Views cache data
-d – Deletes an IP address entry. Requires additional arguments: [Interface
Number] [IP address]
-s – Adds a static entry. Requires additional arguments: [Interface Number]
[IP address] [MAC address]
-f Flushes the ARP cache
-> arp-a
#interface Network Address Physical Address Media Type
#30 00.00.0e.12.3c.04 3(dynamic)
#30 00.00.0e.13.3d.14 3(dynamic)
#30 00.00.0e.12.3c.04 3(dynamic)
#30 00.00.0e.03.1d.3c 3(dynamic)
-> arp-d 1
-> arp-s 1 00:00:0e:1d:3c
-> arp-f