Built-in Commands
12-24 Network Tools Screens
Description: Allows configuration of the exit-rate limit range to either the default
high_range (100 Kbps to 1 Gbps) or the low range (50 Kbps to 400 Mbps).
Status for this command will return the current mode. This mode is stored in
non-volatile memory and is retained by normal resetting. Changing from one
mode to the other mode may result in current settings being removed if their
range is no longer valid. Changing mode will require a reset.
Syntax: rate_limit_mode [ status ] [ high_range (default) ] [ low_range ]
Options: None
Example: rate_limit_mode status
rate_limit_mode low_range
rate_limit_mode high_range
-> rate_limit_mode status
Rate Limit Mode is: High Range (100Kbps - 1 Gbps).
-> rate_limit_mode low_range
This will reset board : Are you *SURE* ?
-> rate_limit_mode high_range
This will reset board : Are you *SURE* ?
Description: Initiates a hardware reset of the device. The reset command initializes the
CPU processor, runs the onboard diagnostics, and restarts the software image,
which restores the user configuration settings from NVRAM. The user will be
queried to confirm the reset command to ensure against unwanted resets.
NOTE: The Network Tools connection to the device will be
terminated upon execution of this command.
Syntax: reset
Options: None
Example: -> reset
RESET: Are you *SURE
-> Y