Example 5, Using Dynamic Egress to Control Traffic
13-34 VLAN Operation and Network Applications
13.15.1 Solving the Problem
In this example, Switch 1 (S1) has already been configured and is operating.
To isolate the Finance Department traffic, Subnet 28 will be isolated from the Engineering
Department subnet 50 and other users on the company’s network (123.123.xx.xx).
The following covers only those steps needed to configure the switch to solve the problem.
Switch 1
To isolate the network traffic of the Finance Department to the users on the Finance VLAN (20),
which are on subnet 28, S1 will be configured as follows using the VLAN Classification
Configuration screen:
VID: 20
Classification: Bil IP Address
IP Address:
Data Mask:
As a result of this setting, any frame with a source or destination IP address of 123.123.28.xx
(where xx can be a value of 0-255) will be classified to the Finance VLAN (20) and will remain
within subnet 28. Any frame from another network or subnet will not be allowed access to subnet
28 because of the datamask
In this simple example (Figure13-18), assume that there are four ports on the switc h module (S1)
attached to PCs supporting both protocols AppleTalk (809B and 80F3) and IP. Two PCs support IP
only. The AppleTalk frame traffic is to be contained so only the users running the AppleTalk
protocol can communicate with each other and not flood the network with AppleTalk frames.
However, all users are to have access to a web server connected to port 7.