Rate Limiting Configuration Screen
802.1p Configuration Menu Screens 9-37
When to Use
To limit the rate of traffic entering and leaving the switch module on a per port/priority basis. Up to
three inbound rules and three outbound rules can be programmed per port to control traffic
according to the priority entries. The rules also contain the programmed traffic rate. The allowable
range for the rate limit is 1 Kbps to 1 Gbps.
The outbound and inbound rate limit is configured for a given port and list of priorities. The list of
priorities can include one, some, or all of the eight 802.1p priority levels. The combined rate of all
traffic entering and exiting the port with the priorities configured to that port is not allowed to
exceed the programmed limit. If the rate exceeds the programmed limit, frames are dropped until
the rate falls below the limit.
For more information about the application of Rate Limiting and an example of how it can be used,
refer to Section 9.8.3.
How to Access
Use the arrow keys to highlight the RATE LIMITING menu item on the 802.1p Configuration
Menu screen and press ENTER. The Rate Limiting Configuration screen, Figure9-10, displays.
NOTE: The Inbound Rate Limiting function is not supported on ports connected to
SmartTrunk segments.