Priority Classification Configuration Screen
9-16 802.1p Configuration Menu Screens
When to Use
To perform the following functions:
Display the current Priority, Classification, and Description entries of each classification rule.
Assign priorities according to Classification Rules.
Add/delete a priority and associated protocol entry.
Access the Protocol Port Configuration screen.
Assign an 8-bit TOS (also known as DF) value to incoming IP frames. For more information
about IP TOS Rewrite, refer to Section9.6.2.
Write over an existing TOS value.
When a frame is received that already contains an 802.1Q frame tag, frame classification is not
implemented. Instead, the frame is processed by the switch module according to the information
contained in the 802.1Q frame tag.
How to Access
Use the arrow keys to highlight the PRIORITY CLASSIFICATION CONFIGURATION menu
item on the 802.1p Configuration Menu screen and press ENTER. The Priority Classification
Configuration screen, Figure9-6, displays.