802.1p Configuration Menu Screen
802.1p Configuration Menu Screens 9-3
Menu Descriptions
Refer to Table 9 -1 for a functional description of each menu item.
Table 9-1 802.1p Configuration Menu Screen Menu Item Descriptions
Menu Item Screen Function
Used to view or change the port default transmit priority (0 through 7)
of each port for frames that are received (ingress) without priority
information in their tag header. For additional information, refer to
Section 9.2.
Used to display the current traffic class mapping-to-priority of each
port. For details, refer to Section 9.3.
This screen is also used to select a port to display the Traffic Class
Configuration screen, where the current setting for that port or all
ports may be changed simultaneously. For details, refer to Section9.4.
Used to set each port individually, or all ports simultaneously, to
either transmit frames according to the priority transmit queues set in
the Advanced Port Priority Configuration screen, or transmit frames
according to a priority based on a percentage of port transmission
capacity for each transmit queue. For details, refer to Section 9.5.
Used to assign transmit priorities to protocol types of received frames.
For details, refer to Section 9.6.
This screen is also used to access the Protocol Port Configuration
screen to add or delete transmitting ports associated with a specific
priority. For details about the Protocol Port Configuration screen,
refer to Section 9.7.
RATE LIMITING Used to configure a rate limit for a given port and list of priorities.
This is a traffic rate policing feature used to control the rate of traffic
on a per port/priority basis. The list of priorities can include one,
some, or all of the eight 802.1p priority levels. For details, refer to
Section 9.8.