Port Priority Configuration Screen
9-6 802.1p Configuration Menu Screens
Field Descriptions
Refer to Tabl e 9-2 for a functional description of each screen field.
9.2.1 Setting Switch Port Priority Port-by-Port
To set the default port priority on a particular port, proceed as follows:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Set field.
2. Press the SPACE bar to step to the INDIVIDUAL setting.
3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Priority field for the particular port.
4. Press the SPACE bar to step to the appropriate value: 0 through 7.
Table 9-2 Port Priority Configuration Screen Field Descriptions
Use this field… To…
Port #
See the port number. Up to 10 rows of port numbers can be displayed
per screen with a maximum of 4 columns. The list of ports can include
both physical and virtual ports. If the number of ports exceed these
limits, one or more other screens may be accessed using the NEXT
and PREVIOUS commands.
Select a default priority from 0 to 7 for each port. When the screen is
displayed the current default priority settings are shown for each port.
For details, refer to Section9.2.1.
Policy Override
View any active policy override.
Set the priority for one port or set all the ports to the same priority.
This field toggles between INDIVIDUAL and ALL PORTS.
INDIVIDUAL is the default setting.
When set to INDIVIDUAL, the priority of various ports may be
changed individually and saved.
When set to ALL PORTS, a Priority field displays to the right of the
Set field, and the SAVE command changes to SAVE ALL. This allows
you to select one priority and apply it to all ports. For details, refer to
Section 9.2.2.