Transmit Queues Configuration Screen
9-14 802.1p Configuration Menu Screens
Field Descriptions
Refer to Tabl e 9-5 for a functional description of each screen field.
Table 9-5 Transmit Queues Configuration Screen Field Descriptions
Use this field … To…
Current Queueing
Toggle between the STRICT 802.1 and WEIGHTED mode. The default
setting is STRICT 802.1. To set the mode, refer to Section9.5.1.
Weights Q0, Q1,
Q2, Q3
Allocate the percentage of port transmission capacity according to
transmit queues Q0 through Q3 (with Q0 being the lowest priority
transmit queue).
NOTE: These selectable fields (Q0 through Q3) do not
display when the Current Queueing Mode is set to STRICT
The weights selected must equal 100% or the values cannot be saved.
Default weight distribution is 25% per transmission queue. Selectable
percent weight values per priority transmit queue Q0 through Q3 are as
follows: 00, 06, 12, 19, 25, 31, 38, 44, 50, 56, 62, 69, 75, 81, 88, 94,
100. To set the weight per priority, refer to Section9.5.1.
Step to the port to be configured. As each port is stepped to, the port
type (e.g., Ethernet front panel) displays to the right of the selected port
number. To display the current weight settings for the selected port,
press ENTER.
Number of Queues
See the number of Queues.
Set all available ports to the current screen settings.
NOTE: These selectable fields (Q0 through Q3) do not
display when the Current Queueing Mode is set to STRICT