Link Aggregation Screen (802.3ad Main Menu Screen)
6-34 Port Configuration Menu Screens
See the current (operational) value of the port’s Actor_State.
The hex value is displayed as well as the individual bit
fields. The fields are as follows.
bit 0 LACP_Activity, 1 indicates Active, 0 indicates passive.
If a port is Active, it will always transmit LACP PDUs.
If it is passive, it will only transmit LACP PDUs if it
sees LACP PDUs coming from its partner. If the bit is
set, an ‘A’ is displayed, otherwise a ‘p’ is displayed.
bit 1 LACP_Timeout, 1 indicates Short timeout, 0 indicates
long timeout.
A Short timeout indicates that this port will time out
information if an LACP PDU is not received for 3
seconds, a long timeout indicates that this port will
time out information if an LACP PDU is not received
for 90 seconds. If this bit is set, an ‘S’ is displayed,
otherwise, an ‘l’ is displayed.
bit 2 Aggregation, 1 indicates that a port is Aggregable, 0
indicates that a port is individual.
If a port is capable of being aggregated with other ports
then this bit will be 1, otherwise this port will be 0. If
this bit is 1 an ‘A’ is displayed, otherwise an ‘i’ is
bit 3 Synchronization, 1 indicates this port is Synchronized,
0 indicates that this port is not synchronized.
If a port has selected and attached to the correct
aggregator then a port is said to be synchronized. If
this bit is true an ‘S’ is displayed, otherwise a ‘-’ is
displayed for this bit position.
bit 4 Collecting, 1 indicates we are Collecting, 0 indicates
that this port is not collection.
“Collecting” means that a port is ready to receive traffic.
If Collecting is true a ‘C’ is displayed, otherwise, a ‘-’ is
displayed in this bit position.
Table 6-9 802.3ad Port Details Screen Field Descriptions (Continued)
Use this field… To…