Protocol Port Configuration Screen
802.1p Configuration Menu Screens 9-33
Screen Example
Figure 9-8 Protocol Port Configuration Screen
Field Descriptions
Refer to Table 9 -9 for a functional description of each screen field.
Table 9-9 Protocol Port Configuration Screen Field Descriptions
Use this field… To…
Classification Rule
See the Classification Rule (Priority, Classification, and Definition) of
the line selected in the Priority Classification Configuration screen. For
example, in Figure9-8, the Classification Rule – 1, Ether II Type,
0x0800 (DOD IP) – was selected in the Priority Classification
Configuration screen to access the Protocol Port Configuration screen.
All ports with YES in the Classify columns would be those ports
associated with PID 1 with an Ether II Type Classification. This causes
Ether II Type frames received by those ports to be transmitted with a
priority value of 1 and according to the Classification Precedence
1 Ether II Type 0x0800 (DOD IP)
Port Classify Port Classify Port Classify Port Classify
       
1 [NO ] 9 [NO ] 17 [NO ] 25 [NO ]
2 [NO ] 10 [NO ] 18 [NO ] 26 [NO ]
3 [NO ] 11 [NO ] 19 [NO ] 27 [NO ]
4 [NO ] 12 [NO ] 20 [NO ] 28 [NO ]
5 [NO ] 13 [NO ] 21 [NO ] 29 [NO ]
6 [NO ] 14 [NO ] 22 NO 30 [NO ]
7 [NO ] 15 [NO ] 23 [NO ] 31 [NO ]
8 [NO ] 16 [NO ] 24 [NO ] 32 [NO ]
Classification Rule Field