Protocol Port Configuration Screen
9-32 802.1p Configuration Menu Screens
3. If more than one line item is to be deleted, repeat steps1 and 2 to mark each line.
4. After the lines are marked, use the arrow keys to highlight the DEL MARKED command field.
5. Press ENTER. The marked line items are deleted and the DEL MARKED command is changed
back to DEL ALL.
When to Use
To display the ports associated with the line item (Classification Rule) selected in the Priority
Classification Configuration screen described in Section9.6. Each port can be changed so it will or
will not transmit frames according to the Classification Rule.
How to Access
Use the arrow keys to highlight the line of interest (Classification Rule) under the Priority/Protocol
Type/Configured Ports columns on the Priority Classification Configuration screen and press
ENTER. The Protocol Port Configuration screen, Figure9-8, displays. The Classification Rule
used to access this screen is displayed in the Classification Rule field shown in Figure9-8.
NOTE: To remove a mark, perform steps1 and 2. Pressing M when a marked line is
highlighted will remove the mark. If all marks are removed, the DEL MARKED command
is changed back to DEL ALL.