Built-in Commands
12-32 Network Tools Screens
Example: To set the device to use the 802.1D legacy path costs, enter:
-> stpLegacyPathCost enable
To set the device to use the 802.1t path costs (default setting), enter:
-> stpLegacyPathCost disable
To determine if the device is currently operating using 802.1t or 802.1D path
costs values, enter:
-> stpLegacyPathCost status
Description: Used to enable, disable, or show which spanning tree ports on the physical
ports are enabled. This command does not apply to virtual interfaces such as
ATM. To enable, disable, or view the status of ATM ports, use the
atm_stp_state command.
Syntax: stpPort [status]
stpPort [enable] [port#]
stpPort [disable] [port#]
Options: status – displays a list of the physical ports that are enabled.
enable port# – enables a specific port.
disable port# – disables a specific port.
Example: -> stpPort status
The following ports are STP ENABLED:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-> stpPort enable 1
Enabling STP on Port 2.
-> stpPort disable 2
Disabling STP from Port 2.
set spantree legacypathcost (Continued)