Layer 3 Expansion Menu screen 10-2
Forwarding 13-6
Port VLAN 13-6
Local Management
clearing counters 3-5
exiting from 3-4
navigating the screens 3-1
paging to next or previous screen 3-5
requirements 1-4
screen elements 1-4
See also managing the switch
Local Management screens
selection of 3-4
MAC Port Configuration screen 3-54
screen fields
Authentication State 3-55
Force Reauth 3-56
Initialize Port 3-56
Port # 3-55
Port Enable 3-55
MAC Supplicant Configuration screen 3-56
screen fields
Duration 3-57
Initialize Supplicant 3-58
MAC Address 3-57
Port 3-57
Reauthenticate Supplicant 3-58
Main Menu screen 3-8
Management agent 1-3
Management Terminal
COM port connection of 2-1, 2-2
setup of 2-1, 2-3
Managing the switch 13-11
when configured with VLANs 13-12
when not configured with VLANs 13-11
Module Configuration Menu screen 5-2
Module date 5-5
Module Login Password
setting of 3-31
Module Login Password screen 3-29
screen fields
Access Policy 3-30
Password 3-30
Restrict NVRAM Passwords from upload/
download 3-30
Switch 8 3-30
Module Menu screen 3-12
Module Selection screen 3-9
screen fields
Hardware Revision 3-11
Module # 3-11
Module Type 3-11
Serial # 3-11
Module Statistics Menu screen 11-2
Module time 5-5
Moving the cursor 1-3
Name Services Configuration screen 3-35
screen fields
Name Services 3-36
Secure Harbour IP 3-36
Switch Name 3-36
Web Authentication 3-3 6
Navigating screens 3-1
Network management
in-band 1-3
out-of-band 1-3
Network Tools
built-in commands 12-2
alias 12-4
arp 12-6
arp_learn 12-7
atm_stp_state 12-3
bridge 12-7
cdp 12-8
defroute 12-8
dynamic_egress 12-9