Local Management Requirements 2-1
Local Management Requirements
This chapter provides the following information:
Management Terminal Setup (Section2.1), which de scribes how to attach a Local Management
terminal to the switch module.
Telnet Connections (Section2.2), which provides guidelines when using a Telnet connection to
access Local Management.
Monitoring an Uninterruptible Power Supply (Section2 .3), which describes how to make a
connection from the COM port to an American Power Conversion (APC) Uninterruptible Power
Supply (UPS) device. This type of connection enables the switch module to monitor the power
status in case of a power loss.


Use one of the following systems to access Local Management:
An IBM PC or compatible device running a VT series emulation software package
A Digital Equipment Corporation VT100 type terminal
A VT type terminal running emulation programs for the Digital Equipment Corporation
VT100 series
A remote VT100 type terminal via a modem connection
In-band via a Telnet connection
NOTE: When the 6C105 chassis is set to operate in the distributed mode, you can
connect the terminal to the COM port of any module in the chassis to access Local
Management of any module, unless the module is set to operate in the standalone
mode. In this case you must connect the terminal to the COM port of that module to
access its Local Management screens.