Built-in Commands
12-12 Network Tools Screens
Description: Used to configure the Gigabit Ethernet ports. The user may configure the
ports or see the current status of the gigabit configuration. Changing the
mode will cause a reset and loss of all data in NVRAM with the exception of
the IP Address and Subnet IP Address.
NOTE: This field is displayed only when the switch module
supports an installed Gigabit Ethernet VHSIM.
Syntax: gigabit_port_mode [active | redundant | status]
Options: Active Enables both gigabit ports.
Redundant – Causes Port 1 to be active and Port 2 to be set up as a
redundant port.
Status – Displays the current status of the gigabit port.
Example: -> gigabit_port_mode status
gigabit_port_mode is redundant
-> gigabit_port_mode active
This will reset board and cause loss of persistent objects
except IP Address and Subnet: Are you *SURE* ?