Uninstalling the Expression 1640XL Software

If you’ve tried every other solution and your system still doesn’t recognize your scanner, try uninstalling and reinstalling the scanner driver software.

Uninstalling EPSON TWAIN Pro

Follow the procedure for uninstalling EPSON TWAIN Pro on your system.

Windows 2000 and Windows 98

1.Double-click the Scanners and Cameras icon in the Windows Control Panel.

2.On the Devices tab, select EPSON Expression1640XL.

3.Click the Remove button. Then click OK to close the window.

4.Restart your computer.

Windows 95 and Windows NT

1.On the Start menu, click Programs, EPSON Scanner, EPSON TWAIN Pro Uninstall.

2.When you’re finished, restart your computer.


1.Insert the EPSON Expression 1640XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM in your drive.

2.Double-click the EPSON TWAIN Pro folder.