1.If the Software Setup window doesn’t appear, double-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, then double-click the Epson CD-ROM icon.

2.Click the Add Software button to display the software selection window.

3.Select EPSON Scan Server. A check mark appears beside applications selected for installation. If you want to deselect either Presto! PageManager or Acrobat Reader, click the application to clear the check mark. Then click OK.

You don’t need to install EPSON TWAIN Pro Network to use the scanner connected to your computer— use EPSON TWAIN Pro instead. EPSON TWAIN Pro is automatically installed when you install the scanner server software. Only install EPSON TWAIN Pro Network if you want to use an Expression 1640XL attached to another computer.

4.Follow the instructions on the screen to install EPSON Scan Server and any other software you selected in the software selection window.

If you’re installing EPSON TWAIN Pro Network in order to use a scanner attached to another computer, you’ll see a window that asks for the Network Scanner Address (the scanner server’s IP address). Enter the IP address for the computer you want to connect to (see page 93 for instructions).