The EPSON® Expression® 1640XL is a
meet the needs of graphic arts professionals, and business graphics users. It’s ideally suited for small LAN (Local Area Network) users who want to share a scanner within their workgroup. Using
EPSON’s ColorTrue® II Imaging System, it reproduces images with amazingly accurate detail
and color. Your scanner can achieve up to 1600 × 3200 dpi hardware resolution with EPSON’s proprietary Micro Step Drive™ technology, and is one of the fastest scanners in its class.
About Your Scanner
Your EPSON Expression 1640XL scanner comes with these features:
■Superior image quality with remarkable 1600 × 3200 dpi hardware resolution
■Start button for easy, automated scanning
■Fully automatic and manual focusing control
■Can be shared by users in a network configuration
■USB and SCSI 2 interfaces standard, and IEEE 1394
■Optional transparency unit, automatic document feeder, and IEEE 1394 FireWire scanner interface card