■Check your computer’s memory. If you’re running other software at the same time, using RAM resident programs, or have many device drivers, the computer may not have enough memory. (See your software and computer manuals.) If you’re scanning a large image or scanning at a high resolution, your computer may not have enough memory to process the image.
■Check your software installation. Make sure that your software is correctly installed and set up. If all else fails, uninstall your software, then reinstall it.
You can’t select any of the following as your Document Source: Auto Document Feeder, TPU for Neg. Film, TPU for Pos. Film . . .
■Make sure your option is installed correctly, and that it’s securely connected to the option (ADF/TPU) connector. If you need to reinstall the option or connect it to the option (ADF/TPU) connector, restart your computer.
Adjust your scan settings. Try setting at a lower resolution (dpi), or scan only part of the image.