You can disable the ] Start button by clicking the Disable device events checkbox on the Events tab.
Whenever you press the scanner’s ] Start button, the application you assigned launches. If you assigned Presto! PageManager, it automatically starts EPSON TWAIN Pro. If you assigned another application, you must start EPSON TWAIN Pro manually.
Windows 95 and Windows NTYou don’t need to assign an application to the ] Start button if you want it to automatically launch Presto! PageManager. If you want it to launch a different application, follow these steps:
1.Click the Scanner Monitor icon located on your Windows taskbar.
2.Select Preferences. You see the EPSON Scanner Monitor window.
3.Do one of the following:
■Choose an application in
the Launch Application list.
■Browse to another application on your hard drive. Select the application and click Open to close the Browse window. Your application’s path appears in the Launch Application box.
4.Click OK to close the EPSON Scanner Monitor window and save your setting.
Whenever you press the scanner’s ] Start button, the application you assigned launches. You can then start EPSON TWAIN Pro.