Installing Other Software on Your Scanning Tools CD-ROM

Follow these steps to install Presto! PageManager and Adobe Acrobat, and complete the 1640XL electronic registration form:

1.If the Software Setup window doesn’t appear, double-click the My Computer icon on your Windows desktop, then double-click the Epson CD-ROM icon.

2.Click the Add Software button to display the software selection window. A check mark appears beside applications selected for installation. If you want

to deselect either Presto! PageManager or Acrobat Reader, click the application to clear the check mark. Then click OK.

Don’t select either of the two network applications, EPSON TWAIN Pro Network or EPSON Scan Server. The EPSON TWAIN Pro driver, which is already installed on your computer, lets you scan to an Expression 1640XL connected to your computer. If you want to install software for a network scanner, go to Chapter 4, “Network Scanning.”

3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the software.

If you’re done installing software, remove the EPSON Expression 1640XL Scanning Tools CD-ROM and restart your computer. Then follow the instructions in the next section to make sure your scanner is operating properly.

If you want to install ScanSoft TextBridge Pro, Adobe Photoshop LE, or MonacoEZcolor, continue with the instructions under “Installing Additional Windows Software” on page 43.