3.Click the Utility tab. Make sure Select as default scanner for EPSON Scan Server is checked, and then click OK.

Installing the Scanner Server Software on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0

Make sure the Expression 1640XL is connected to your computer. Also, make sure you’ve recalibrated your monitor to factory specifications.

If you’re configuring your SCSI interface card for the first time, you’ll be asked to install your SCSI driver at the beginning of installation. Make sure you have your Windows CD-ROM available, or know where to find the Windows source files on your hard drive. Then follow the instructions on the screen, or see the documentation that came with your SCSI card for more information.

If you need help locating your source files, contact your computer manufacturer.

If you’re running Windows 95, continue with the instructions in the next section. If you’re running Windows NT 4.0, go to “Starting the Scanner Server Installation on Windows NT 4.0” on page 86.