Using the SUB CONFIG Option


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When this option is ON, you can print up to 80 characters at 10 cpi across an A4 or F4-size page. When it is OFF, you can print up to 77 characters at 10 cpi. This setting is only valid when P-SIZE is set to A4 or F4. If you change the WIDE PAGE setting when sizes other than A4 or F4 are selected with the P-SIZE option, L-MARGIN automatically defaults to 0 and the R-MARGIN and the TEXT LINES return to the default setting for the currently selected paper size.


With B-IMAGE set to DARK or LIGHT, your printer can correctly emulate the graphics densities set with the printer commands. When DARK is selected, the bit image density is high. When LIGHT is selected, the bit image density is low.

The BCODE setting converts bar codes to bit images by automatically filling in any vertical gaps between dots. This produces unbroken vertical lines that can then be read by a bar code reader.

Note: This mode reduces the size of the image being printed and may cause some distortion when printing bit image graphics.

SelecType 3-47