ESC (escape) code

A special control code used to begin most printer commands.


An abbreviation of Epson Standard Code for Printers. This system of printer commands lets you perform software control of your printer from your computer. It is standard for all Epson printers and supported by most application software for personal computers.


The complete character set of a given design. See Appendix B for a list of fonts available on the EPL-7000.

font caching

A feature which keeps the most frequently used characters in printer memory.

hexadecimal (hex)

See number systems.

hex dump mode

A printing mode that can be used to print out the exact codes reaching the printer. This mode can be used by experienced users as a troubleshooting tool.

imaging cartridge

The imaging cartridge transfers and fixes the printed image on the page. It contains a photosensitive print drum and a supply of toner.


Returns the printer to its defaults (fixed set of conditions).
