8 The “Serial Port Settings” screen appears. Configure the settings of the Serial port and click the [Next] button. Proceed to Step 10.
Printer name | The printer name you entered at Step 6 is displayed. This cannot be |
| changed. |
COM Port | Specify the number of serial port used for connecting the printer. |
Baud Rate | Specify the baud rate. |
Data Bits | Specify the data bits. |
Stop Bits | Specify the stop bits. |
Flow Control | Specify the method of data flow between the computer and the printer. |
Parity | Specify the parity. |
9 The “Ethernet Settings” screen appears. Configure the IP Address of the TM printer and click the [Next] button. Proceed to Step 10.
Printer name | The printer name you entered at Step 6 is displayed. This cannot be |
| changed. |
IP address | Enter the printer IP address. |
| To find the information about IP Address of the TM printer, see the |
| Technical Reference Guide of each TM printer. |