4-9IN1508 Scaling Presentation Switcher • Serial Communications
Command/response table for special function SIS commands (cont’d)
Command ASCII Command Response Additional description
(host to switcher) (switcher to host)
Input aspect ratio
Set the input aspect ratio to 16:9 1*9# Asp1
Set the input aspect ratio to 4:3 0*9# Asp0
View the selected aspect ratio 9# AspX21
Example: 9# Asp0 The aspect ratio is set to 4:3.
Menu buttons
Presses of the menu buttons X22*10# MnuX22 Emulate pushing a menu button.
Example: 3*10# Mnu3 Direct the switcher to respond as
if the front panel button was
Total pixels
Set a total pixel value X23*11# TpxX23
Example: 1344*11# Tpx1344 Use a total pixel setting of 1344.
Increment total pixel value +*11# TpxX23 Increase the total pixel setting.
Decrement total pixel value –*11# Tpx X23 Decrease the total pixel setting.
View the total pixel value 11# TpxX23
Active pixels
Set an active pixel value X23*12# ApxX23
Example: 1024*12# Apx1024 Use an active pixel setting of
Increment active pixel value +*12# ApxX23 Increase the active pixel setting.
Decrement active pixel value –*12# ApxX23 Decrease the active pixel setting.
View the active pixel value 12# Apx X23
Active lines
Set an active line value X23*13# AlnX23
Example: 768*13# Aln768 Use an active line setting of 768.
Increment active line value +*13# AlnX23 Increase the active line setting.
Decrement active line value –*13# AlnX23 Decrease the active line setting.
View the active line value 13# Aln X23
Audio follow source
Set the audio to follow X24 *14# AfpX24 Set audio to follow the main or
PIP window selection.
View the audio follow setting 14# AfpX24
Example: 14# Afp1 Audio follows the PIP window.
IR receiver enable
Disable IR receiver 0*65# IRD0
Disable the IR receiver (do not
allow control by the infrared
Enable IR receiver 1*65# IRD1 Enable the IR receiver (allow
control by the infrared remote).
Read IR receiver enable 65#
0= disable, 1 = enable (default).