HelpDesk Software, cont’d
4.None of the PCs can be set to Server Mode:
a.Under the Tools menu, click on Preferences. The Preferences box opens.
b.Click the Forwarding tab.
c.Uncheck the Mode box. This box is left unchecked by default.
d.If necessary, shut down and restart the IP Intercom HelpDesk program.
Setting up one PC as a server
All PCs (the server and the help desks) must be running the IP Intercom HelpDesk software.
1.The server PC and all HelpDesk PCs must have all available intercoms on their intercom list.
a.On the computer that has been designated the server, add all intercoms to the server’s intercom list.
b.In the File menu, click on Save or Save As... to save the .xml configuration project file.
c.On each help desk computer, in the file
2.All intercoms must be linked to the server’s IP address:
a.Select an intercom in the intercom list.
b.In the Button IP assignments pane, enter the server PC’s IP address or select it from the dropdown list.
c.Click Apply.
d.Repeat steps
3.The server PC must have a list of all client HelpDesks. The first name on the list will be the server’s first choice HelpDesk. If the first PC is busy, the next call will be passed to the second PC on the list. If all HelpDesks are busy, any new incoming call will hear a
These are added as described in steps 3a to 3e on page
4.All HelpDesks must be linked to the Server PC:
a.On each HelpDesk PC, open the HelpDesks window as described in step 3a on the previous page.
b.Add the name and IP address of the server PC in the text boxes at the bottom of the window.
c.Click Add.
d.Click OK.