Thefollowing table lists standard and optional product selections.
*TypicalModel 275 D 9 E I5 D 00 00 includes HART Communicator, AA
batterypack with batteries, leadset with MINI GRABBERs™ andalligator
clips,carrying case, FM Intrinsic Safety Approval,and pocket-sized
Optionsinclude: NiCad battery pack with recharger, language, certifications,
anddata pack 100. If the NiCad battery pack is selected, one spare battery
packper HART Communicator is recommended.
Model ProductDescription
275 HARTCommunicator*
Code BatteryPack Option
D BatteryHolder for Disposa ble AA Batteries
R RechargeableNiCad Battery Pack
Code RechargerServic e and Plug Type
1 100/120 V ac, 50/60 Hz, U.S. Plug
2 220/230 V ac, European Plug
3 220/230 V ac, U.K. Plug
9 None
Code Language
E English
F French
J Japanese
Code HazardousLocations Certifica tions
I0 NoApproval
I1BritishApprovals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable
Atmospheres(BASEEFA)/CENELEC Intrinsic Safety Certification
I5 FactoryMutual (FM) Intrinsic Safety Approval
I6 CanadianStandards Association (CSA) Intrinsic Safety Approval
Code MemoryMod ule Type
B 4MB MemoryModule
D 12MB Memory Module (Standard)
Code DeviceDescript ion Options
00 StandardFactory Loading
Code FutureOption
D1 Shippedwithone (1) data pack100 installed
D2 Shippedwith two (2) data pack 100’s
00 Shippedwithout d atapack 100
TypicalModel Number: 275 D 9 E I5D0000