4.Press (F1)to add the option to the Hot Key menu for all of the HART-
compatibledevices supported in your Commun icator; or,press (F4)
toadd the option to the Hot Key menu for the specific device to which you
arecurrently connected. SeeFigure 1-36.
FIGURE1-36. Addin ga Hot K eyO ption.
5.If the message “Mark as read only variable on Hot Key menu?”
Figure1-37 displays, press (F1)to mark the variable for this option
asread-only, or press (F4)tomark the variable as read/write. For
example,marking the tag number of a device to be read- only allows you to
view,but not change, the tag number through the Hot Key menu.
FIGURE1-37. Markinga Read-Only Hot KeyOption.
Whenadding a variable s uch as tag number,you can chooseto display
thecurrent variable value as part of the menu option. If you choose to
displaythe value of the variable in the Hot Key menu, the value appears
nextto the option. Figure 1-38 shows the value of the tag displayed next
tothe tag option on the Hot Key menu.
FIGURE1-38. Hot Key Menu .