Storage Location Menu
Fromthe Utility menu, p ress 4to access the StorageLocation menu
(Figure1-33). The Storage Location menu allows you to access the M emory
Moduleor data pack memory perm anent storage locations.
FIGURE1-33. Storage Loca tion Menu.
ThePC option requires AMS software running in your computer. Refer to
Listenfor PC Men u on page1-26 formore information.
Wheneither the Memory Module or data pack storage locations are opened ,
youcan use the Label submenuto view or edit the ass igned name of the
labelgiven to the select ed storage location. Or,with the S pace Usage
submenu,you can view the total memory and amount of free memory for the
Simulation Menu
TheHART Communicator provides a simulation mode that allows you to
simulatean online connection to a HART-compatible device without
connectingthe device. The simulation mode is a training tool that enables
youto become fam iliarwith differentdevices before configuring them in a
criticalenvironment. A simulated configuration cannot be sav ed, however.
Tosimulate an online connection from the Main menu:
1.From the Utility menu, press toaccess the Simulation menu. See
UtilityMenu on page 1-22. The Manufacturer menu d isplays a list of
manufacturerswith device des criptions currently installed in your Commu-
2.Select a manufacturer. The Model menu displays, containing a list of
currentlyinstalled device models provided bythe selected manufacturer.
3.Select the device y ou want to simulate. The Fld dev rev menu displays,
containingthe current field device revisions forthe selected model.