6.If you choose not to databut want to continue, the key will
reappearafter each selection is entered.
7.Repeat the above pro cess where necessary to modify each device
Whensaving a new configurationor changing a saved c onfiguration
offline,you will not encounter the send key.
USING THE HOT KEYTheHot Key menu is a user-definable menu that can hold up to 20 options of
yourmost frequently perf ormed tasks.
Figure1 -34 shows a typical Hot Key menu with four added options. The first
option,Range values, is permanent and cannot be changed. It p rovides
quickaccess to review or modify the device range values.
Touse the Hot Key,you must properlyconnect the HART Communicator to a
device.You can access the Hot Key menu from any menu, or before
poweringup the Comm unicator,by simply pressing the HotKey.
Touse the Hot Key menu:
1.Connect the HART Comm unicator to a HART-compatibledevice.
2.Press the Hot Key.
3.Initially, the Hot Key menu displays with only Range values listed. Refer to
Customizingthe Hot Key Menu on page 1-31 for details on how to add
options.The figure below shows som e added options.
4.Select the desired option from the Hot Key menu.
FIGURE1-34. S ample Hot Key Menu.
5.Follow the online instructions to perform the selected function.
NOTE:If your HART Communicator does not provide access to the Hot Key
menufor a particular device, that device does not suppor t Hot Key