youentered with Sort b y picking characters from the device Tag,Descriptor,
Whensetting up a filter, you can use the period ( .)to replace a single
characterof any value or the asterisk (*) to replace zero or more
alphanumericcharacters of any value.
Forexample, if you enter A-*-.1, it should match all device tags starting with
A-,followed by any characters, followed by -, followed by any single
character,and ending with a 1. That means only devicesstarting with A-
andending in 1, out of your list of saved device configurations, will display as
agroup on the Com municator’s screen.
The functionkey allows you to view the Tag, Descriptor, and Name
forthe current configurat ion. Select Compress to return to the previous
compressedscreen with the current Tag or Descriptor or Name.
SavedConfiguration Menu (data pack Contents)
Fromthe data pack Contents menu (Figure 1-19), press toopen the
SavedConfiguration menu ( Figure1-20).
FIGURE1-20. Sa ved Configuration Menu (data pack Contents).
Thefollowing functions are available from the Saved configuration menu:
Editdisplays the Edit menu. These edit functions are the sam e asdesc ribed
underEdit individually on page 1-15. If you are editing online, remember
thatonly stored data can be edited. A Partial c onfigurationc an be edited, but
youmust convert it to a Standard configuration in order to save your edits.
Copyto... specifies the storage location where you want the copy to be
stored.You can also change the configuration name when using this option.
Sendsends your saved configuration to a connected device.
Printrequires AM S running in your computer.This option is intended for the
future. See Listen for PC Menu on page 1-26 for more information.
Deleteremoves a saved configuration from the memory storage location. A
confirmationmessage will appear. Press Yes or No to complete the function.