New Configuration (Offline)Usethis option to compile a custom set of device configuration data for
downloadingto any HART-compatible device. You can download repeatedly
tomultiple devices so that they store identical configuration data.
Offlineconfiguration may not be available for all devices. Steps 2 and 3
belowwill help you verify if the de siredm anufacturer and device model are
programmedinto the Communicator ’sM emoryM odule.
1.Press onthe Main menu to accessthe Offline menu. This menu
allowsyou to enter a new deviceconfiguration or edit a saved device
Toenter a new configuration, go to Step 2.
Toedit a saved configuration, press 2and go to Saved Configuration
Menu(Offline) o n page1-17.
FIGURE1-12. Offlin e Menu.
2.From the Offline menu, press 1. The M anufacturer menu displays a list of
manufacturerswith dev icedes criptions currently installed in your HART
3.Select a manufacturer; the Model menu displays.The Model menu
containsa list of the currently installed device m odels provided by the
4.Select a device model for configuration; the Field Device Revision (Fld dev
rev)menu displays. The F ld dev rev menu contains the currently installed
softwarerevisions for the field device and device descriptions(DD) for the
modelyou selected f rom the previous screen.
5.Select a device revision; theFrom Blank Template menu (Figure 1-13)
Ifyou are unsure of the device revision, connect theHART Communicator
tothe device and determine its device revision level. You can access this
informationfrom the Online menu>Device Setup>Detailed Setup>Device
Information.See your device m anual for more information.